You can pay your bills on the spot at any teller window. Strict measures have been taken to ensure complete security during all transactions. Business is conducted in-person at the window and you’ll walk away with an instant, individually numbered transaction receipt.
Quicker Payments
Credit is posted in one or two days-no more waiting a week or more for payments to be posted. Paying the Pay-O-Matic Way guarantees much quicker credit to accounts than waiting for a check or money order to arrive via U.S. Mail and then get processed and posted.
The following bill payment services are available at all of our locations:
• AT&T • AT&T Wireless • Verizon • ConEdison •National Grid •PSEG • Cablevision • Time Warner Cable • Dish Network • All State Insurance
**Many major credit cards including Mastercard, Visa and American Express as well as automobile finace companies, major department stores and many others. Please contact one of our locations for complete list of billers.
Thank you.
All accounts are credited within 2-3 business days.